Hi, my name is

Joshua Markle

I enjoy creating things that live on the internet ✨

My name is Joshua Markle, I just turned 18 🎂, and I am soon to graduate from high school. I have a passion for all things technology and design, from software engineering to UI/UX.

Below are some of the projects I have developed over my programming career.

Learn more about my:


A bit of stuff I do in my free time



An app designed to assit aspiring drivers track their hours and ultimately get their license!



A website designed for programmers to improve their typing speed. It contains a series of typing tests on real code.

Video Game Dashboard

Video Games

I've made a bunch of video games, mainly for Game Jams. Check em' out!
RIP - Unity



An Arch Linux based operating system designed specifically for my workflow. The core is built on wayland (hyprland).



A custom "IDE" for nvim. It is its own entity within my workflow/operating system enhancement project

Keyboard Layout Optimization

Keyboard Layout Optimization

A research study on optimizing keyboard layouts using AI (a genetic algorithm) and constructing a physical split, ortholinear keyboard.